Best time to consume protein for ATHLETES AND SPORTS PERSONS

Best time to consume protein for ATHLETES AND SPORTS PERSONS

Best time to consume protein to for ATHLETES AND SPORTS PERSON


Dr. Jeethan Bendoor


Private Practitioner, Metabolic and Anti-ageing Enthusiast, Mumbai

Correspondence: E-mail:


Optimal daily protein intake for athletes

There is a lot of debate on the "optimal intake of protein for athletes".

What I gather from debates is that athletes require more protein than healthy sedentary persons; the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) recommends 1.4–2.0 g/kg/day (1).


However, what is interesting is that the Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation (IAAO) technique indicates that on training days, female athletes required 1.4–1.7 g/kg;(2, 3) the day following a regular training session, male endurance athletes required 2.1–2.7 g/kg;(4) two days after their last resistance-training session, amateur male bodybuilders required 1.7–2.2 g/kg. (5) These recommendations make more sense to me!


When Should Athletes Consume Protein

If you have a meal before training, ensure it is protein-rich.

My advice, would be based on a recent publication in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (6): the authors suggested that protein intakes of 20-40g both before (one to two hours pre-) and after training (one to two hours post-) were optimal for building muscle in athletes and sports persons.



Please note: Please do consult a physician who is well-versed with the physiology/science of muscle, and please do perform routine tests to measure metabolic issues as well as kidney function.



1) Jäger R, et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2017) 14:20 DOI 10.1186/s12970-017-0177-8

2) Wooding DJ, Packer JE, Kato H, West DWD, Courtney-Martin G, Pencharz PB, Moore DR Increased Protein Requirements in Female Athletes after Variable-Intensity Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. (2017 Nov).

3) Malowany JM, West DWD, Williamson E, Volterman KA, Abou Sawan S, Mazzulla M, Moore DR Protein to Maximize Whole-Body Anabolism in Resistance-trained Females after Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. (2019 Apr).

4) Bandegan A, Courtney-Martin G, Rafii M, Pencharz PB, Lemon PWR Indicator amino acid oxidation protein requirement estimate in endurance-trained men 24 h postexercise exceeds both the EAR and current athlete guidelines. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. (2019 May 1).

5)Bandegan A, Courtney-Martin G, Rafii M, Pencharz PB, Lemon PW Indicator Amino Acid-Derived Estimate of Dietary Protein Requirement for Male Bodybuilders on a Nontraining Day Is Several-Fold Greater than the Current Recommended Dietary Allowance. J Nutr. (2017 May)

6) Aragon AA, et al. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition volume 10, Article number: 5 (2013).