Importance of Proteins

Importance of Proteins

Dr. Jeethan Bendoor
Private Practitioner, Metabolic and Anti-ageing Enthusiast, Mumbai
Correspondence: E-mail:

A publication in the Indian Medical Gazette (1) of a consumer survey of participants:
• male and female (non-pregnant and non-lactating), who belonged to socio-economic classes A and B, aged between 30 and 55 years;
• from seven cities in India (Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Vijayawada);
• regardless of diet preferences;
• who were randomly selected;
reported that 9 of 10 Indians consume inadequate protein. This, information hit the headlines of several national newspapers, but hardly made any impact at ground-level, at least in the field of medical practice. Furthermore, they went on to report that, 91% of vegetarians had a protein deficit, compared with 85% in non-vegetarians (1).

What is a protein?
Protein is one of the three macronutrients in food — the others being fat and carbohydrate. Proteins are made up of building-blocks of amino acids — which are classified as essential (not synthesised by the body, therefore, requires consumption), and non-essential amino acids. Special amino acids may be required on-demand (2).

Amino acids, either as singles, peptides or as proteins are ultimately responsible for various functions and structures in our bodies. To name a few, as:
• Signalling molecules
• Digestive enzymes
• Haemoglobin
• Hormones
• Antibodies
• Bone
• Muscle

Who should have protein?
All of us — that means, a new-born to an ageing adult. There is no second-guessing or debate on this issue. Protein insufficiency can cause various health problems (Table 1) (3).

How much protein does one need?
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research's (ICMR's) recommended dietary allowance (RDA) recommendations, the basic protein required by an adult Indian is 1 gram of protein/kg body weight/day (P/kgBW/D) (1).

My interpretation:
• If a person’s ideal weight is 70 Kgs, she/he requires 70 grams of protein per day.
• It is extremely important to understand that this 70 grams of proteins per day is a "basic requirement", a “minimal requirement for physiological balance”, if you wish (4).
• This means that this 70 grams of proteins need to be ingested regardless of exercise or extra activity — this is the minimal required amount to keep one healthy.
• 1 gram of P/kgBW/D is not the maximum amount of protein that one needs — it is a recommended amount of protein.

1. Mahajan M. Protein Consumption in Diet of Adult Indians : A General Consumer Survey (PRODIGY). Indian Medical Gazette 2015:149–150.
2. Akram M, et al. Amino acids: A review article. J Med Plant Res 2011;5:3997-4000.
3. Wu G. Dietary protein intake and human health. Food Funct 2016;7:1251-1265.
4. Hoffman JR, Flavo MJ. Protein – which is best? Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2004;3:118-130.